This site is the brain child of Lyn Midnight. It is meant to be a sort of blog-hub for everyone who’s excitedly awaiting and prepping for NaNoWriMo 2011 (50,000 words in 30 days). The great thing about it is that anyone can post as long as they have something to say on the subject. If you’d like to stay up-to-date with upcoming contests and posts, you can subscribe to this blog and/or follow the twitter account @wrimosftw. Chances are, you’ll find updates on the #NaNoWriMo channel fairly often as well.
Now a little bit about the creator of this site…
Lyn Midnight is a writer, blogger, and Social Media addict. She writes in various genres and formats (fantasy, scifi, poetry), and likes to blog about everything at Lyn Midnight Against the Odds. She is currently working on a scifi novel and debating whether she should write about alien zoos or nameless people for this year’s NaNo. The person behind the handle is a Psychology graduate and eternal nomad, trying to make her big break somewhere in England. You can find her chasing the blue bird at @LynMidnight, booking her face on Facebook, stuffing her nose in books on Goodreads, and occasionally sharing her googles on Google+. The girl's got Klout!
So enough about me then! I’d like to use this tiny space to thank Avalon Jaedra for always being a good sport and helping me brainstorm myself unconscious. And the rest of my twitter gal-pals, Carissa Elg, Amber West, Tracey Hansen, and Alivia Anders, who are always there when I need a hug… or intervention.
And finally, thanks to everyone who was so excited about this project in the beginning. Without you guys, all of this wouldn’t have been possible.
Now let the madness begin!