
Sadly, it's true... (sharkrobot t-shirts)

To submit a post, please read the guidelines for posting first:

1. Write 500-700 words on the topic of NaNoWriMo.

2. Make sure it (somewhat) fits the following times and themes:

Oct. 3rd-17th: pre-nano jitters, pep talks, and past experiences; *CLOSED
Oct. 18th-31st: story ideas, goals, and workshops; *CLOSED
Nov. 1st-15th: beginnings, sustenance, and writing rituals;*CLOSED
Nov. 16th-30th: determination, middles, endings, etc.;
Dec. 1st-15th: editing, swapping war stories, and publishing;
Dec. 16th-31st: holiday fun and perspective;

During the month of November, any NaNo/story insights, issues, and info-swapping, is allowed. Basically, it's another step of sharing the experience in real time!

Also, because the spots are thinning, you should probably book a spot first and pitch me your idea so there is no overlapping of topics. Just find me @wrimosftw or email me.

3. Email your post to: violeta (dot) nedkova (at) yahoo (dot) com.

4. Attach profile picture and short bio to the email.

5. Follow this blog. (Pretty please? Or you’ll miss the goodies!)

6. When your post comes up, ADVERTISE like a feral monkey.

In return I will:

1. Include your blog address to the all-mighty blogroll.

2. Give you more chances to guest post again next month.

3. Have you participate in new and fun ways around the site.

4. Advertise your post like a rabid donkey. Or something less creepy.

5. Give you this pretty badge by RonnieTaleon @ TDA to display on your site.

Note: If anyone is starting out and would like a specific topic covered,
please feel free to let me know by using the contact form. I'll be glad to help!